Saturday, October 5, 2024

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What is CRM Data Maintenance and How Does It Affect B2B Marketing?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a technology or software that works as a comprehensive strategy for businesses to manage all customer interactions and relationships. These customer interactions can exist in the past or may be happening with potential customers in the present. CRM helps to leverage technology, processes, and practices for analyzing customer data and optimizing interactions throughout the lifecycle of the customer.

CRM’s Role In B2B Marketing

A CRM is very influential in enriching market relationships, the tool helps improve customer satisfaction while also boosting revenue growth. Like all other customer relationship management systems, this is specifically guided by what customers want and how they wish to be served. Unlike cases of B2C transactions, B2B interactions are more complicated by the fact that they usually involve more in-depth decision-making processes, longer sales cycles, and multiple stakeholders.

CRMs in B2B marketing are developed to cope with different organizational structures that vary greatly. CRM systems help track different contacts within the customer organization, monitor business progress in the sales pipeline, and personalize client communications based on specific business needs.

As per a 2018 Salesforce 2nd State of the Connected Customer Report, 72% of corporate buyers anticipate that vendors would tailor their interactions to meet their specific requirements. According to the same survey, 79% of clients were prepared to divulge personal data in return for contextualized data that helped the supplier get to know and comprehend them better.

To put it briefly, business-to-business (B2B) buyers want better experiences and are prepared to divulge personal information to get them.

One of the top three technologies utilized by marketers to address the issue of client identity is CRM. It makes sense that, during the next two years, 95% of marketers plan to adopt or already use a CRM (customer relationship management) system. This represents a predicted 55% increase over 2017.

The Importance Of CRM in B2B marketing Can Be Elucidated Through Several Key Facets

1. Enhanced Customer Insights:

CRM systems collect data from various touch points everywhere including customer emails, phone calls, meetings & transactions to offer a unified view of the lifetime of the customer. This store of information allows B2B marketers to gain a keen understanding of customer choices, pinpointing pain points and buying behavior, which in turn can be channeled into more enhanced and individualized marketing strategies.

2. Improved Lead Management:

B2B sales cycles more than often have a long-drawn-out lead nurturing process that extends over a period before the lead is converted. CRM solutions contribute to the automation of all lead-capturing procedures, submitting them to evaluation, tracking lead acquisition history, and sorting out the leads into groups according to predefined criteria. On lead prioritizing, B2B marketers can rely on the trick of following up with the most probable prospects, therefore converting their efforts to those individuals with a high potential for conversion.

3. Efficient Customer Engagement:

Effective communication takes center stage in the B2B world, where trust and credibility are equivalent to gold. CRM platforms serve as central tools allowing B2B marketers to engage with their clients on a 1-on-1 basis based on people’s personal needs and preferences. Tapping into the potential of CRM data to provide customers with timely and relevant content, predict needs, and create strong customer engagements will drive up customer loyalty and ultimately revenue.

4. Streamlined Sales Processes:

CRM systems play a critical role in sales management as they link up marketing, sales, and service departments resulting in obtaining a perfect sales activity. CRM bringing information in real-time helps to see the progress of leads, opportunities, and current deals. With the help of CRM, it is convenient to get all the departments synced resulting in streamlined sales processes leading to a speedy closure of deals.

5. Measurable ROI and Performance Monitoring:

Calculating return on investment (ROI) is crucial in business-to-business (B2B) marketing, as these endeavors at times entail large investments. CRM systems provide powerful analytics and reporting features that enable business-to-business (B2B) marketers to monitor critical performance indicators, evaluate the success of marketing efforts, and link revenue to particular projects. Organizations may improve their strategy, allocate resources more efficiently, and increase return on investment by measuring the effects of their marketing campaigns.

CRM is essentially the cornerstone of B2B marketing initiatives, enabling businesses to build long-lasting relationships with customers, spur revenue development, and obtain a competitive advantage in the market. Through the utilization of CRM technology and a customer-focused strategy, business-to-business (B2B) marketers can effectively and nimbly negotiate the intricate workings of contemporary company environments.

CRM Data and Customer Relationship

Customer relationship data have the power to significantly impact a business’s performance. Businesses will be able to serve their customers more effectively the more businesses know about them. Effective CRM Data Maintenance and a well-designed CRM database are therefore essential for B2B marketing success. The caliber of the CRM data that the firm curates define it.

Marketing departments must segment their contacts, tailor their messages, and design focused advertising campaigns. A business’ customer support team can utilize numbers to provide context in customer conversations, and its sales team requires precise data to handle their customers’ challenges, CRM is also necessary for financial teams to forecast in this way CRM is essential to every decision-making phase in an organization.

Businesses would be wise to concentrate on data upkeep. It’s not good news for marketing teams when inaccurate data in their client database interferes with their daily operations. If businesses were unaware of their customers’ identities and priorities, how would businesses respond to their concerns? Reliable and accurate data is urgently needed.

The days of businesses using physical labor to resolve data problems are long gone. For labor, this is tedious and takes a lot of time. Why utilize Microsoft Excel with all its intricate formulas, or their workers, to export data just to go back to their CRM? Discover how B2B marketing is impacted by CRM Data Maintenance so that businesses can maintain an error-free, up-to-date system.

What is CRM data maintenance?

The process of auditing, updating, and resolving any problems in a business’s database is called CRM data maintenance. This procedure aids in maintaining the reliability, organization, and freshness of their database. Data maintenance in CRM is an ongoing process that aims at ensuring the correctness, completeness, and relevance of data contained in a CRM system.

Through this process, data is sorted out regularly for deleting duplicate entries, and other types of bad data while maintaining the cleanliness of the database. Moreover, CRM data maintenance consists of ensuring data integrity, finding, and fixing errors, and eventually adding new information whenever necessary to the software.

These audits are the secret weapons to our success, for they not only monitor the health but also pinpoint the weak spots of the database. The performance of CRM is usually based on the CRM data and data maintenance. Once organizations make efficient data, they can avoid inaccuracies, improve the effectiveness of marketing and sales motivations, and build strong relationships with customers.

Data maintenance methods that work, their importance in terms of getting as much value as possible out of CRM expenditures, and how they relate to producing data-oriented insights that can be used to boost business growth are critical.

Consider linking their CRM data with third-party apps to make sure that it further streamlines corporate procedures.

Basics Of CRM Data Maintenance

Companies, having been nurtured and grown, are just like the light and darkness going around the globe in CRM systems. While what exactly the priority is on the ones that you already have or those who are yet to have the benefit of being a customer, the correct contact information is the building block for all the marketing and sales campaigns that a business might launch.

The maintenance and upgrading of the data quality source should be a vital point in every CRM. Tuning in the CRM software specified with a higher efficiency is the next big thing. Below are a few CRM maintenance basics, one should follow to get the most out of the system:

1. Clean Data Regularly

CRM has data stored which is the most essential characteristic of a business and whose productivity and utilization certainly give a chance to business to select from all aspects of the business. Availability of data which is both timely and apt gives you significant input to your customer marketing in a targeted manner. This would save you both time and resources on not so top of the qualified prospects.

You may use multiple ways to delete items from the customer relationship management system (CRM). Sage CRM has a built-in feature that de-duplicates, where it will auto-mark duplicate records and entrants during data entry before they are saved. This helps in rectifying the same immediately. Not only duplicates are avoided, but it also helps in saving time for both the users and the Reps. Moreover, such highly accurate sales metrics will provide you with the ability to drive conversion rates.

Completeness of records is an additional metric that aids in data cleansing and data maintenance. Data search functionality is improved but data reliance is increased when missing or incomplete data is concealed.

2. Examine the customizations

A CRM system’s capacity to store data and add customizations grows with time. Reviewing the degree of CRM customizations is essential. This involves counting the number of newly added custom fields, useless links, and ineffective or poorly managed processes.

It’s a modest maintenance work to simplify and remove unneeded aspects from your CRM system; when done regularly, it will improve user experience and maintain the system operating efficiently.

Record completeness is another measure, which not only helps in data cleaning but also helps keep the data up to date. Covering up missing or incomplete data increases data dependency whilst improving the data search facility.

3. Review Customizations

Over time, a CRM system expands not only in terms of data but also in terms of customizations. It is necessary to review the number of customizations in CRM, which includes the number of custom fields added, worthless links, or inefficient or unmanaged workflows.

Removing unwanted elements and simplifying your CRM system is a small maintenance task and when handled regularly, it would help keep the system efficient whilst driving user experience.

4. Build a Data Backup

CRM that contains private and important data about your contacts, leads, opportunities, prospects, vendors, and so on. In the event of a technological malfunction or emergency, automatic backups that store a copy of CRM data in several locations can be helpful. Many cloud CRM software providers assist with automatically backing up system data. Still, it is advised to make sure that CRM backups are done on time.

5. Optimize Your CRM

Even while implementation specialists handle the technical components of a CRM’s implementation, it’s still a good idea to periodically optimize the system. Your CRM may be linked to or integrated with other business tools; therefore, it’s important to check these integrations to ensure that everything works as it should.

Your CRM system may become slower if it is coupled with an outdated system. Examining system performance will therefore aid in resolving such issues. A CRM system should be easy to use, and regular, prompt maintenance will go a long way toward winning users over to the system.

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Why is CRM Data Maintenance So Important in B2B Marketing? 

Every successful marketing campaign depends heavily on data. Businesses can develop customized campaigns for their target audience with the use of high-quality data. To save, arrange, and manage contact data for use in their marketing plan, marketers rely on CRM systems. CRM data, or customer relationship management information, facilitates contact segmentation, meaningful dialogue, and a customized experience for a company’s clients.

Numerous teams within a business, including marketing, sales, and customer service, can benefit from CRM data. High-quality data is not always guaranteed by CRM system use alone. Businesses must maintain their data to guarantee that it is correct, current, and trustworthy. Any attempt businesses make to market or sell their products will suffer from bad data. Any firm, regardless of size, may be unaware of the myriad problems that incorrect data can cause. We will find out how to manage CRM data in this post to make sure it is trustworthy.

Bad data management affects every department inside the company, but it particularly hurts marketing and sales. In a situation like this. The marketing team’s ability to ensure the effectiveness of its efforts depends heavily on the data it receives. The following list of factors explains why CRM Data Management is crucial.

  • Segmentation

A big piece of any marketer’s job is segmentation. Alternatively, the process of dissecting lengthy customer lists into manageable lists for analysis to more accurately address the issues raised by each group.

CEOs and marketing managers are two different buyer personas for their B2B software solutions, so businesses wouldn’t promote them in the same way. Their requirements and worries differ. Even if businesses try, their language will never quite speak to both of them.

Thus, businesses deconstruct things. Businesses narrow down and simplify the list of individuals businesses are communicating with. After that, businesses can speak in a way that is relevant to that particular section.

Businesses can’t, however, efficiently divide their data into those smaller categories if it isn’t trustworthy. With inconsistent data, marketers are unable to segment contacts correctly. Developing even simple campaigns with discrepancies becomes a laborious analysis process that necessitates having specialists on standby who are aware of all the subtleties. It consequently hinders marketers’ capacity to plan successful initiatives and to act swiftly.

Let’s look at an illustration. Assume businesses run a B2B software business and wish to use their HubSpot CRM to send CEOs an email campaign. In their database, CEOs are listed in a variety of ways if businesses aren’t routinely standardizing and formatting the data in their job title field:

  • CEO
  • E.O.
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Founder/CEO
  • Founder & CEO
  • Owner and CEO
  • Etc.

And there probably are a tons of additional variations.

Since these job titles are essentially the same, businesses must combine them all to run a comprehensive campaign. They will need to either use some clever Excel formulas, make intricate search filters to “catch” all the pertinent titles, or hire a developer to help businesses with this. In any case, it is still improbable that they would find every mistake in the field. Typos and other mistakes in their data are not even included in this.

There are individuals whose work titles involve additional data issues or who are identified as “CEOn”. Furthermore, the problems with data quality and consistency may affect their database. This standardization issue, for example, would impact all job titles in their database, not just CEOs. What if businesses wanted to divide up their CRM contacts based on years of experience, area code, location, or country? Data problems exist in all fields.

There are a variety of possible problems with each data point in their database that could affect their capacity to segment their contacts and run successful campaigns that achieve their KPI objectives. Their segmentation efforts become inconsistent and complex due to data difficulties. Until the problems are resolved, their marketing teams will ultimately be compelled to segment less frequently and less imaginatively.

  • Personalization 

Problems with data will also affect their capacity to customize messages. Additionally, tailored messaging is essential to campaigns that succeed.  Eighty percent of buyers are more inclined to choose a brand that offers individualized experiences. 72% of customers claim to only interact with tailored messages.

The ability to customize messages for each recipient is crucial and depends on having reliable, consistent data in their CRM. Have businesses ever received an email where someone mispronounced their name or used their last name instead of capitalizing it?

Businesses most likely already know that this is just a straightforward data error. It wasn’t their intention to address you by your last name. However, it still affects how you feel about the specific company, doesn’t it? Keeping their customer data disorganized is unprofessional, even if it’s not done on purpose.

Furthermore, while {FirstName} and {Job Title} are crucial, it’s not only about these things. True, deep personalization could not make explicit use of the data; instead, it makes use of inferences from the data to inform their messaging.

For instance, associations are a frequent source of personalization issues resulting from issues with CRM data. Their B2B contacts in HubSpot CRM are linked to businesses. Executing account-based marketing strategies would be hard if that association was absent and some of their contacts were free-floating. Furthermore, it becomes challenging to customize the message based on account involvement when data is unavailable.

Inaccurate lead scores in account-based marketing are also caused by inconsistent associations. Missing contacts will affect the account scores because the scores are applied at the account level and are based on factors for the independent contacts within the account. In the end, a disparity in lead scoring may have an impact on the account’s entire lifecycle stage, slowing its progress through the pipeline and maybe ending a sale.

  • Poor Customer Experience 

The customer journey is crucial since the brand may suffer the more generic its marketing message is. Segmenting customer data well is important for sending relevant messages. The quality of data has a significant impact on consumer satisfaction. Companies wouldn’t be able to satisfy their clients without accurate data.

Customer experience during the customer journey is ultimately impacted by problems with segmentation and customization. Your experiences and perception of their brand will suffer if businesses use less targeted marketing messaging that is unlikely to connect.

Personalization is considered a “crucial” component of the consumer experience by 92% of marketing experts. Furthermore, personalization frequently depends on their capacity to efficiently segment client data to present pertinent messaging. These effects are linked together and negatively affect every aspect of their marketing campaign.

For example, duplicate data creates a problem for the client experience and may damage the reputation of their business. A large number of their clients will receive their messaging more than once if businesses don’t routinely integrate duplicates. This raises the price of their ads, damages the reputation of their company, and reduces the accuracy of their reports.

Reasons To Embrace Some Top-tier Approaches to Enhancing B2B Data Quality within CRM Systems:

The contemporary environment of data-driven companies is currently founded on data management from customer relationship management (CRM). The sales managers of your company, together with the staff, are empowered by your organization’s CRM system by using it to make better decisions, better understand the clientele, and therefore drive for more profits.

Though a CRM system is the usual solution to this problem, its management still is an enormous task. It is especially tricky for businesses working in the B2B sphere to deal with data baskets from different origins. Misuses in CRM data management may precede a chain of troubles including inaccurate data, duplicate information, and some even potential data loss endangering the reputation of the company.

To avoid the pitfalls of weak data management and to ensure the accuracy of business CRM data, it is imperative to have strong data management strategies in place. Here are some top-tier approaches to enhancing B2B data quality within CRM systems:

1. Identify Data Sources:

First, systematically assemble the data assets feeding your CRM platform. It can include meeting customer expectations by having online applications, on social media platforms, among other third-party applications, and customer service regulations. After having identified these heterogeneous data sources, then a systematic endeavor towards uniting and consolidating these data streams with the organization’s CRM infrastructure can be undertaken.

2. Develop a Data Governance Plan:

A Strategy for data governance should be the first step with the plan for data oversight and safety mentioned in detail. This plan should mark the boundaries of data ownership in strict conditions, assign roles and responsibilities, give standards and protocols, and set key performance indicators (KPIs) to test the quality of data.

3. Execute Data Cleansing Procedures:

Conduct data cleansing protocol procedures regularly to divest the records of duplicates, repair incomplete information, and correct wrong entries. Deleting unnecessary data elements is one way to use the data better and more accurately and is a method of preventing the deterioration of data quality.

4. Maintain Data Integrity:

Make sure that the data is accurate, complete, and coherent by carefully examining it. Establishing data validation procedures, carrying out recurring evaluations of the data’s quality, and regularly auditing the data can all help achieve this.

5. Give Instruction and Training:

Encourage a culture of data stewardship by providing staff with the necessary training on best practices for data management. Giving staff members a sophisticated grasp of the value of high-quality data fosters a group mentality of responsibility for upholding these standards.

By adopting these CRM data management techniques, businesses may strengthen the quality of their B2B data repository and guarantee that CRM data will always be a reliable, accurate, and current source. Utilizing these tactics improves decision-making ability and increases consumer insights, therefore fostering sustainable business growth.

Industry publications might also provide further insights into the discussion. For example, research conducted by Gartner found that firms lose $15 million on average annually due to poor data quality. This emphasizes how important it is for businesses to give data management projects top priority to reduce financial risk and maintain competitive advantage.

According to Forrester’s study, businesses that have strong data governance frameworks generate their revenue 25% quicker than those that don’t. These figures highlight the observable advantages of putting into practice efficient CRM data management techniques.

Convergence of CRM and Data Management

The synchronization of CRM (Customer Relationship Management)and data management simultaneously is one of the strongest combined forces that boosts the power of both disciples at the same time. CRM is akin to sensory organs — collecting customer interactions. However, data management resembles the human brain — rather than simply storing this info, it retrieves the meaning behind the text and converts it into concrete decisions.

This reciprocal bond metamorphoses CRM from a mere data store to an intelligent organism that can perform targeted marketing, tailored service delivery and directed resource administration. CRM systems serve as the organization’s eyes and ears, recording details about customer impacts in multiple channels such as sales, marketing, and customer support. A thing to note is the importance of data management even though there is a surplus of the data itself on the internet, data management processes through the conversion of raw data into coherent insights.

Big data technologies were developed, which have brought substantial growth in the amount of data CRM systems are designed to handle. Data management that meets industry standards is, thus, the linchpin for fully coupling CRM systems with their intended purposes. From collecting and storing data to providing quality control, integration, and analytics, data transverses the CRM processes and thus is what makes CRM efficient and effective chiefly.

CRM data is intricate, this notion stems from combating a multiplicity of data types, including those that are structured and unstructured, under an umbrella of different complexities. The structured data, say of customer demographics and transaction histories which are, among the easiest to control and handle, are most of the time, not a big issue. Nevertheless, elaborated data represented through e-mail, and online social media platforms, requires advanced data managing methods like natural language processing and definition of sense.

Updating the data is a real-time requirement and is short because decisions relating to the actions and responses have to be made fast. As CRM data trails enter all the other organizational databases, dealing with the complexity of CRM data records management goes to the next level. For example, CRM information could be fed into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and guide Supply Chain Management (SCM) decisions. Specific data management techniques must be applied that would take into consideration the multifariousness of the data and inherent changes in CRM data.

When it comes to CRM optimization, data quality is critical since it allows businesses to better understand the behavior, preferences, and trends of their customers. Standardization, deduplication, and data validation are essential processes in guaranteeing the quality of the data. Primary field validation improves engagement and lowers bounce rates, such as email addresses and phone numbers.

By removing duplicate items, deduplication simplifies data and enhances CRM functionality. Data analysis is made easier and consistency is maintained by standardizing data formats. When taken as a whole, these procedures maintain data hygiene and provide a clear, dependable, and organized CRM database.

Optimizing CRM Data Maintenance: Strategies for Quality Assurance and Efficiency

Businesses’ CRM Data Maintenance policy should place a high premium on regularly assessing their CRM knowledge, identifying issue areas, and addressing them. The areas of concentration that require attention are listed below.

  • Data Quality in CRM Data Maintenance

Consistent data quality guarantees constant, relevant, and accessible knowledge. A business is affected by their level of knowledge. Not only should the information be accurate, but the appropriate individuals in their organization should be able to access it at any time. The group is slowed down by the knowledge that is stored in separate silos. Knowledge must be standardized and formatted in their database to maintain data consistency.

Account-based marketing, or ABM, is becoming more and more popular among B2B companies as a component of their total marketing campaigns. ABM strategies that are successful must prioritize personalization. For ABM to be planned and managed, correct data is essential. Data inaccuracies may cause ABM efforts to perform poorly.

Marketers that use an ABM strategy work with accounts. Businesses can lose out on B2B contacts if any are absent from a certain account business are targeting. Or, in other cases, businesses won’t get the desired outcomes if businesses target a company and fail to include any important stakeholders. This can have a bad effect on their sales procedure. Inaccurate data can also prevent businesses from comprehending their target accounts, which will hinder their personalization attempts. Therefore, businesses must make sure that their data is trustworthy if businesses are using ABM.

For instance, it’s important to standardize job titles, split mobile phone numbers accurately, and uppercase contact names. Businesses can organize their knowledge into simple-to-remember strategies if businesses stay consistent. Lastly, the information businesses possess must be pertinent to the field businesses work in. Thousands of gigabytes of information are worthless if they don’t relate to their target market. High-quality data is ensured by routine knowledge maintenance procedures like knowledge cleansing.

  • Cleansing Data 

It is imperative to omit inaccurate, poorly formatted, duplicate, or unfinished data in their CRM. Capitalization errors involving first and last names, such as Alex vs. Alex, are a relatively prevalent example. Like phone numbers, addresses must also follow a specified format (65578498 vs. 655-784-98). Eliminate erroneous or counterfeit data, address special characters, and address outliers.

Data cleaning is a difficult task. It takes time and requires splitting up information into smaller chunks for different team members to work on. After that, the team members load the data into Excel and use VLOOKUP and related formulae to find and eliminate anomalies before reimporting the data into the CRM. To complete this, one needs to be proficient in Excel.

  • Removing Data Duplications 

Businesses may see that a single contact has many entries if businesses look at their smartphones. Just consider the volume of duplicate data that businesses must handle. Software integrations, manual entry, backend CRM, and data imports can all result in duplicate contact records.

Duplicate data causes significant disruptions to the marketing team and results in increased campaign expenses and decreased productivity. Resolving data problems takes up time that could be better utilized on other project components. It is a waste of time to comb through records to discover the correct or most accurate record, and marketing teams must eliminate duplicates before launching a new campaign due to data duplication. Last but not least, the consumers’ experience is also compromised because they receive conflicting and repetitive messages while businesses are unable to fully comprehend their wants.

  • Data Purging in CRM Data Maintenance

The term “purge” refers to the process of getting rid of unnecessary, redundant, low-quality data that clogs up valuable database space and damages the company’s reputation, among other things. Businesses can tell their data needs a thorough cleaning when businesses have undelivered emails, fake or outdated prospects, poor customer interaction records, half-baked contact data, passive contacts, duplicate contacts, and more.

A successful purge will maximize the usability of their CRM data, save their team time, help keep data storage costs and CRM fees in check, and improve email delivery, open rates, and sender reputation.

  • Data Monitoring and KPIs

Finding the main problems and resolving them in their CRM database are essential. Businesses are likely to encounter a variety of database problems, therefore it would be beneficial to identify them so businesses can address the most critical ones first.

By keeping an eye on their KPIs, businesses can manually create reports, but only if they are ready to run reports or analyze data in Excel. It’s critical to monitor their success and the entirety of their client data by having a well-defined KPI.

Final Thoughts 

In conclusion, their CRM is constantly being updated with new data, which introduces a whole new set of mistakes and inconsistencies. Conduct regular audits to ensure you have accurate customer data when creating B2B marketing campaigns. A great campaign starts with a thorough understanding of its customers, and its CRM database may provide businesses with all the information businesses require in this regard.

It is also important to understand that CRM data cleansing is not a one-time job but a recurrent task. In the dynamic business world, as customer data is in a constant state of change, and CRM databases must be continually monitored for these anomalies. The dynamic environment of B2B relationships must be fully considered and managed to avoid lags in customer data so that customer needs and market trends can be met promptly to competitive threats or opportunities. To that end, companies should look upon CRM data cleaning as an inseparable cornerstone of their long-term marketing plans instead of just crossing out this part.

Hence, this data management practice is a must-have element of marketing schemes. Through investing time, financial resources, and a terrible effort in keeping the coronary heart CRM data of a high quality, organizations can prepare themselves for permanent success in the fast-paced B2B landscape. This involvement can be employed not only to create effective data management policies but also to develop a culture of data stewardship within the organization. CRM users from the lower levels to the top should become aware of the necessity of data quality and keep their hands on the way of data input maintenance.

Data maintenance for CRM is not just a technical issue but rather, a strategic priority that needs to be advanced for successful B2B marketing efforts. It is the basis upon which successful marketing campaigns are built, providing businesses with the necessary knowledge of their customers, as well as telling them what they need before they even know it, and then fulfilling the consumers with experience that leads to loyalty and profit maximization. Hence, we are going to undertake CRM data maintenance as a constant process through which we are going to show our commitment to the role of CRM in delivering the growth mission of the company.

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**The primary author of this staff article is Sakshi John

MTS Staff Writer
MTS Staff Writer
MarTech Series (MTS) is a business publication dedicated to helping marketers get more from marketing technology through in-depth journalism, expert author blogs and research reports.

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