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How Do CRMs Help Improve Customer Experience Management and Productivity?

Let us delve deep into the synergy between customer experience and CRM, what are the similarities, differences, and basic components of each and let’s understand how CRMs can improve customer experience management and productivity.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach that focuses on managing interactions and engagement with customers. It helps to build relationships with customers. The CRM technology is implemented to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, customer service, marketing, and other support activities to achieve this. The main goal of CRM is to enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and finally profitability.

CRM is a vital component in the improvement of the CEM function of enterprises as it equips them with the necessary tools and data to know their customers better. Here’s how CRM contributes to CEM:

Centralized Customer Data:

CRM systems aggregate customer data from different channels such as sales, marketing, and customer service into an integrated, common database. This centralized repository allows businesses to have a complete picture of each customer’s interaction and history which ultimately enhances personalized and tailored experiences.


With the availability of granular customer profiles, businesses can individualize their relations and deals. Analyzing customer preferences, purchase history, and past interactions enables businesses to provide tailored offers, recommendations, and support, thereby improving the customer experience.

Improved Customer Service:

CRM systems simplify the provision of customer service by giving agents access to customer data and history. This enables us to resolve queries and issues faster thereby increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Targeted Marketing Campaigns:

CRM data can be used to create well-targeted marketing campaigns which are aimed at certain customer segments. With an analysis of customer behavior and preferences, businesses can tailor their messaging and offers to individual needs thereby making their marketing efforts effective.

Feedback and Insights:

CRM systems help in collecting feedback. It helps to keep track of customer contacts, e.g., complaints, suggestions, and preferences. This analysis allows businesses to find places for improvement and innovation which enables them to never stop improving customer experience.

In addition to its role in enhancing CEM (Customer Experience Management), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) also plays a crucial role in improving productivity within an organization:

  • Efficient Data Management: CRM solutions automate jobs like data entry, lead assignment, and follow-up reminders, allowing employees to concentrate on high-value-adding activities.
  • Streamlined Processes: CRM systems provide a centralized platform for managing customer interactions, thus eliminating silos between sales, marketing, and customer service teams. It brings about enhanced teamwork, cooperation, and productivity within the entity.
  • Data-driven Decision Making: CRM systems give businesses access to real-time data and analytics, facilitating Data-Driven Decision-Making. Through customer trends, behavior, and preferences analysis, organizations can make informed decisions that impact revenue growth and profitability
  • Improved Sales Performance: CRM solutions allow sales reps to follow prospects, monitor pipelines, and prioritize opportunities better. Through the transparent views of sales activities and measures CRM systems give, sales teams concentrate their efforts on high-potential opportunities, hence sales productivity and revenue growth.

In a nutshell, CRM is a strategic tool that not only helps in customer experience management but also enhances productivity within an organization. Through the employment of technology to centralize customer data, personalize interactions, and streamline processes, CRM enables businesses to deliver fantastic customer experiences while attaining optimum efficiency and profitability.

Understanding Customer Experience Management (CEM)

Customer Experience Management (CEM) is a holistic approach that maximizes customer interactions to foster customer loyalty. It emphasizes a comprehensive strategy that puts the client at the center of every facet of business operations, going beyond providing merely adequate service.

Customer experience, or CX, is defined by McKinsey as “everything an organization does to deliver superior experiences, value, and growth for customers.” Under this heading, CEM encompasses all aspects of the customer’s interaction with the company and goes beyond simple transactions. Every connection a customer has with a business, from their first impression to their purchases and even after-sale support, impacts their experience and level of happiness.

A thorough grasp of the requirements and preferences of customers is made possible by a strong CEM strategy. This knowledge makes it easier to provide meaningful, individualized experiences that promote higher levels of pleasure, loyalty, and retention.

The Function of Customer Experience Management

An effective CEM strategy requires a thorough awareness of the viewpoints of the customers. This means aggressively seeking out, compiling, and examining client feedback. Feedback from customers—whether through surveys, social media, reviews, or direct communication—is extremely important in understanding their needs, preferences, and problem areas.

Customer-centric improvements are made easier when customer feedback is included in all aspects of CEM. In addition to pointing out areas that require improvement, feedback also opens up new possibilities for creativity. As a result, it is possible for the customer experience to continuously evolve, meeting changing needs and improving satisfaction levels.

Essential Elements of a Successful Customer Experience Program

A successful customer experience management (CEM) strategy must have both customer journey mapping and customer insights.

Visualizing and analyzing each point of interaction that a customer has with the company, from first contact to last transaction, and beyond, is the process of customer journey mapping. Throughout the procedure, this method pinpoints areas of discomfort and presents chances for improvement at every turn.

Gained via feedback and behavioral data, customer insights provide a deep understanding of the requirements, desires, and behaviors of customers. These understandings guide the creation of focused strategies that target consumer pain spots, improve the user experience, and provide desired business results.

A more valuable, tailored, and gratifying customer experience is achieved through an integrated approach that combines customer data with customer path mapping. In the end, better client experiences lead to increased contentment, fidelity, and commercial prosperity.

Key metrics and indicators of Customer Experience Management (CEM):

Key metrics and indicators of Customer Experience Management (CEM) vary depending on the particular goals and objectives of the organization. However, some common metrics and indicators that are widely used to measure the effectiveness of CEM efforts include the following and we would need to probably look closely at these:

  1. Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS indicates the probability of the customers recommending your company to others. It is calculated based on responses to a single question: How likely are you to refer our company/product/service to a friend or colleague? Customers usually fall under the categories of promoters (score 9-10), passives (score 7-8), or detractors (score 0-6).
  2. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): CSAT gauges the level of satisfaction of customers towards a particular instance or transaction. It is usually measured by asking customers to rate their satisfaction on a scale (like 1-5 or 1-10).
  3. Customer Effort Score (CES): CES gauges how easy is it for customers to perform a task, resolve an issue, or achieve a goal. It often means asking customers how difficult they consider the completion of a specific interaction to be (scales such as 1-7).
  4. Retention Rate: Retention rate indicates the number of customers who remain doing business with your company during a certain time frame. A high retention rate means customers are happy with you and they are brand loyal.
  5. Churn Rate: The churn rate is the fraction of the customers who quit doing business with your company in a given period. A high churn rate is often caused by customer dissatisfaction with the experience or not meeting customer expectations.
  6. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): CLV is the total revenue or profit earned by a customer for the entire span of their association with your company. A high CLV shows that customers are valuable and contribute significantly to your profitability.

Organizations may evaluate the efficacy of their CEM initiatives and make well-informed decisions to continuously enhance the customer experience and promote company success by monitoring and evaluating these important metrics and indicators.

Why Should You Care about Customer Experience Management?

Obtaining and retaining customers for your business is the foremost step towards business success. It will help you keep running your business and therefore you must ensure that your customers are satisfied and loyal to your company. The best way you can achieve this is by giving a good customer experience. However, it is easier said than done.

To achieve this you have to meet and surpass customer expectations by fulfilling their desires. When the customer enjoys your product or service it results in a positive customer experience and hence they would like to repeat a purchase. They will be happy to do business with you again. They also share a positive word of mouth with other people who can be your customers as well shortly.

This impacts the brand positively and the value or reputation of the brand is enhanced. In case a customer is not satisfied with what you offer then they may leave your company and it will affect the image of your brand negatively.  Therefore, building a good customer experience is very important.

CRM system Improves Customer Service

CRM systems contribute to better customer experiences in several ways. A CRM solution gives businesses a 360-degree picture of customer and potential client data, communications, behavior, and more, enabling them to customize operations and procedures to better meet the needs of their clients. Additionally, cultivate important connections for long-term success.

Let’s understand CRM systems further:

Components and Functionality Of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM is a strategic strategy that centers on managing relationships and interactions with customers throughout their business journey. Improving client satisfaction, loyalty, and eventually profitability are the main goals of CRM. CRM seeks to maximize customer connections and spur company growth by centralizing customer data, automating procedures, and enabling tailored interactions.

CRM systems help companies better serve their customers and make more money by tracking client interactions, analyzing data, and streamlining procedures in the customer service, marketing, and sales departments.

CRM System’s Elements and Capabilities:

A CRM system is made up of several essential parts and features that support different facets of customer relationship management, including:

  1. Contact Management: CRM programs offer a centralized database where clients’ names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses can be kept.
  2. Automate Operations: CRM systems provide the capability to automate several sales operations, such as pipeline management, lead management, and opportunity monitoring. Sales teams can increase productivity and streamline processes with the aid of this feature.
  3. Marketing Automation: CRM systems divide up their client base according to their demographics, behaviors, and preferences, which allows them to run focused marketing campaigns. Lead scoring, campaign management, and email marketing are examples of features of marketing automation.
  4. Customer Support and Service: CRM systems make it easier to provide customer support and service by keeping track of client questions, handling support tickets, and offering case management and resolution solutions.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: CRM systems are equipped with integrated analytics and reporting capabilities that allow users to track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs), evaluate customer data, and produce insights that can be used to make decisions.

Benefits of implementing CRM for businesses

Here are the benefits of Implementing CRM for Businesses:

  1. Improved Customer Relationships: Customer Relationship Management allows companies to create individualized experiences, foresee customer requirements, and make timely interventions, resulting in closer relationships and high customer satisfaction.
  2. Increased Sales Efficiency: The CRM system automates sales processes, simplifies workflows, and offers customer behavior insights to sales teams. Hence, sales teams apply it to prioritize leads, close deals faster, and improve the conversion ratio.
  3. Enhanced Marketing Effectiveness: CRM enables competitive marketing campaigns, customized messaging, and better segmentation leading to higher response rates, more engagement, and better ROI on marketing investments.
  4. Better Customer Service: CRM systems bring customer data under one umbrella, provide efficient support processes, and provide effective communication between different channels leading to reduced response time, increased issue resolution, and enhanced customer retention.
  5. Data-driven decision-making: CRM gives out actionable insights, real-time analytics, and customizable reports, thus enabling organizations to make smart decisions, spot trends, and formulate policies required for business growth.

Generally, CRM implementation will enable enterprises to create stronger customer relationships, boost sales, and gain an edge over competitors in an intensely competitive economy.

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The Relationship Between CRM and Customer Experience Management

The concepts of customer experience management (CEM) and customer relationship management (CRM) are closely related and have a significant impact on how companies engage with their customers. CRM is primarily concerned with managing customer connections and interactions, whereas CEM aims to optimize the entire customer experience across several touchpoints.

The benefits of connecting CRM with other systems to improve efficiency and streamline processes are discussed in this part, along with how CRM improves the customer experience across touchpoints and the significance of using CRM data to personalize customer interactions and anticipate needs.

How CRM enhances customer experience across touchpoints

CRM systems act as a single source of information where customer details are stored. It helps in tracking all sorts of interactions, transactions, preferences, and behaviors that occur across various touchpoints. Through the consolidation of this data, CRM empowers businesses to have a complete picture of all customer journeys and, thus; customize each customer’s experience.

  1. Personalized Interactions: CRM enables businesses to segment customers according to demographics, behavior, and preferences allowing for targeted and personalized interactions. An illustration of how a retail company can utilize CRM data is by sending personalized product recommendations to customers based on their past purchases and browsing history.
  2. Consistent Communication: CRM ensures continuity by tracking customer engagements across communication channels such as emails, phone calls, SMS, and face-to-face. This empowers companies to give consistent and coherent experiences irrespective of the touchpoint the customers make their choice.
  3. Timely Support: CRM systems simplify customer service processes by offering customer information and history to agents. This feature empowers agents to deal with inquiries and problems more effectively resulting in shorter resolution time and higher customer satisfaction.
  4. Proactive Engagement: CRM helps businesses to actively interact with customers considering their needs and preferences. For instance, a subscription-based service can leverage CRM data to identify customers who may be thinking of going to other companies, and hence CRM provides them with personalized incentives or discounts to retain these customers.

Leveraging CRM Data to Personalize Customer Interactions and Anticipate Needs

One of the major benefits of CRM is the use of data to personalize customer interactions and proactively predict needs. Analyzing customer data and behavior, companies get valuable information about individual preferences which enable them to personalize the experience.

  1. Predictive Analytics: CRM systems utilize predictive analytics to foresee customer needs and behavior through their historical data and patterns. For example, an e-commerce company can use predictive analytics to predict the demand for certain products and then regulate the inventory levels accordingly.
  2. Targeted Marketing Campaigns: CRM data helps companies develop tailored marketing campaigns that perfectly match particular market segments. Through looking at customer demographics, purchasing history, and engagement levels businesses can deliver relevant and timely offers and promotions.
  3. Cross-Selling and Upselling Opportunities: Customer purchase history and behavior are used by CRM systems to detect cross-selling and upselling possibilities. For instance, and telecommunications services provider can use CRM data to find customers qualified for an upgrade and offer personalized upgrade alternatives to them.
  4. Improved Customer Retention: By predicting customer needs and providing tailored experiences, companies can increase customer retention rates. CRM systems help in identifying the at-risk customers and implementing retention strategies such as loyalty programs and exclusive offers among others.

Integrating CRM with Other Systems to Streamline Processes and Improve Efficiency

To fully utilize CRM and optimize its influence on customer experience management, integration is essential. Businesses can increase productivity, achieve a smooth omnichannel experience, and streamline procedures by integrating CRM with other platforms and technologies.

  1. Get insights: Integrating CRM with other systems, such as marketing automation, e-commerce, and customer support platforms, guarantees smooth data flow. Businesses may now get customer data and insights in real-time across all touchpoints because of this
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Departmental cooperation and communication are promoted by integrating CRM with collaboration solutions like project management software and communication platforms. Teams from sales and marketing, for instance, can work together more successfully on lead creation and nurturing initiatives.
  3. Automation of Workflows: Integration makes it possible to automate procedures and workflows, which decreases human labor and boosts productivity. For instance, automating order processing and inventory restocking with CRM integration can result in quicker fulfillment times and more customer satisfaction.
  4. Single consumer View: Across all touchpoints and systems, integration guarantees a single, consistent picture of the consumer. This makes it possible for companies to provide individualized and consistent experiences across all channels and points of engagement.

Common challenges in implementing CRM for CEM improvement

As a first step, companies need to complete the research on the available CRM options to find the one that is the best for them in terms of specific needs. Factors such as cost, scalability, user interface, customer support, integration capabilities, and others should be taken into account while selecting a system. The correct decision is taken, and the integration and launch of the CRM are undertaken by a skilled enterprise technology team. This procedure comprises mainly training the users, customizing the software, and connecting it with other systems.

This also concerns organizations to weigh in the consequences of the CRM system in the long term. Having a well-structured, all-inclusive system that deals with customer data input, tracking, tasks’ completion, and necessary documentation is sure to boost customer retention, sales performance, as well as efficiency. In the end, the system has to be maintained by the organizations so that it still functions as it should and the company’s needs are always addressed.

Finally, although the set-up of a CRM system is quite a demanding process the benefits will be more than expected. Businesses have to do the research and choose the adequate system, and afterward, leave the implementation to highly experienced experts. Done well, a CRM system can drive substantive improvements in customer experience and the firm’s performance.

Rolling out a CRM implementation can often be a complicated process and sometimes the difficulties that come along with that. Here are some prevalent hurdles businesses encounter during CRM implementation, along with effective solutions to overcome them:

1. Data Quality and Migration:

Challenge: The validation of data and completeness of data during the move from old systems to a new CRM is overwhelming.

Solution: Use a data migration tool, involve stakeholders in data quality checks, and establish rigorous data governance processes to ensure data accuracy from here onwards.

2. User Adoption:

Challenge: The CRM system might be challenging to use when first-time employees are prompted to accept and apply it well.

Solution: Provide extensive training and continued support, include employees in the selection process, and make sure the CRM is easy to use and integrated well with the current systems.

3. Integration with Other Systems:

Challenge: Integrating the CRM to different systems including accounting software and marketing automation tools, is technically the most complex.

Solution: Select integration-friendly CRM and integration planning as a priority in the implementation phase.

4. Resistance to Change:

Challenge: Employees may refuse to accept the use of the new CRM, especially if they have gotten used to the old one.

Solution: Inform the benefits of the new CRM, ensure the training and support, and include the employees in decision-making to increase ownership and buy-in.

5. Cost:

Challenge: CRM deployment and support costs often exhaust budgets even for smaller companies.

Solution: Choose a CRM solution that fits your budget and negotiate with vendors for vendor-friendly pricing. Also consider phased implementation, for which the costs will be spared over time.

6. Customization:

Challenge: Customizing the CRM to fit the specific requirements of the organization can be quite laborious and difficult.

Solution: Choose a CRM platform that has high configuration options and get the stakeholders to participate in the customization to ascertain that the system meets specific business needs.

Moreover, retrieving actionable data from CRM applications poses other issues as well. Employing intelligent search tools enables users to quickly locate targeted records within vast databases, thus promoting productivity and efficiency

The main issue is to deal with the possible concerns and fears among the staff of the CRM implementation system. This can be done through focused communication, continued assistance, and acknowledgment of employees’ contributions.

In short, a successful CRM implementation means one has to follow a meticulous plan, involve the stakeholders, ensure proper CRM training, and pick the right CRM solution. Through proactively dealing with common obstacles and implementing suitable measures businesses can get the most out of their CRM systems and achieve better customer relations and business results.

Best Practices for Using A CRM And Improving Customer Experience Management And Productivity

CRM systems are essential for increasing customer experience management (CEM) and productivity in companies. Organizations may assure meaningful connections with consumers, provide consistent experiences, offer responsive customer care, and centralize all customer data for efficient operations by successfully utilizing the capabilities of a CRM solution. The following are recommended strategies for utilizing CRM to enhance productivity and customer experience management:

1. Communicating Meaningfully with Customers:

Make use of CRM data insights to comprehend consumer behavior and preferences.

Tailor your message to each person’s requirements and interests. To automate customization and create a more intimate feel to conversations, use CRM capabilities like customizable field tags. To establish enduring bonds with clients, make sure all interactions are relevant and consistent.

2. Establishing a Uniform Client Experience

To guarantee prompt and pertinent responses, automate responses, and support inquiries.

Utilize unified branding and messaging across all forms of communication.

Make use of CRM automation technologies to keep follow-up procedures and interactions consistent. To find areas for improvement and improve the entire customer experience, collect feedback from customers via automated surveys or planned follow-ups.

3. Make use of CRM tools so client complaints and support requests can be acknowledged immediately

Assign support tickets within the CRM system to guarantee prompt resolution and prevent correspondence gaps. Give customers precise deadlines for support resolution so you may properly manage their expectations. To consistently improve customer satisfaction and support procedures, keep an eye on and track response times inside the CRM system.

4. Every Customer Data stored in one place:

All company, prospect, and customer data should be centralized in the CRM database.

Give your marketing and sales teams access to a wealth of client insights, such as contact records, engagement statistics, and details about your products and services.

Utilize CRM data to customize offers and messaging according to past interactions and consumer preferences. To support targeted marketing campaigns, sales initiatives, and customer follow-ups, stay organized, and keep a comprehensive perspective of client interactions.

By centralizing all customer data for streamlined operations, facilitating meaningful communications, establishing consistent experiences, offering attentive customer support, and leveraging CRM systems effectively, businesses can improve customer experience management and enhance productivity. Through the application of these best practices, businesses can enhance their client connections, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and eventually help in achieving business success.

Emerging Technologies Shaping the Future of CRM and CEM

Technology improvements and shifting client expectations are driving a dramatic revolution in the Client Relationship Management (CRM) market. Anticipating the future, several significant patterns and forecasts are influencing how CRM systems develop and how they affect customer experiences.

a) Integration of Machine Learning (ML) with Artificial Intelligence (AI):

AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) will be essential parts of CRM systems, allowing companies to customize interactions, automate processes, and extract valuable insights from massive volumes of customer data.

Hyper-personalization made possible by AI-powered CRM systems will let companies anticipate client needs, make customized recommendations, and offer proactive support. Increased client loyalty and satisfaction will come from this.

b) Virtual assistants and voice-activated interfaces:

CRM systems will increasingly have virtual assistants and voice-activated interfaces that allow users to communicate with the system using natural language commands.

Voice-activated CRM interfaces will improve user productivity and convenience by allowing customer care agents and sales representatives to get data and carry out operations without using their hands. Improved customer service and quicker reaction times will result from this.

c) Integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):

To build immersive customer experiences like virtual product demos and interactive shopping experiences, AR and VR technologies will be included in CRM systems. Customers will be able to see products in real-world scenarios using AR and VR-enabled CRM experiences, which will boost engagement and trust in buying decisions. Higher conversion rates and more customer satisfaction will result from this.

d) Blockchain Technology for Transparency and Data Security:

To improve data security, integrity, and transparency, blockchain technology will be included in CRM systems.

Customers will feel more confident and trusting of blockchain-enabled CRM systems since they know that their data is secure. Stronger ties with and loyalty from customers will result from this.

e) Integration of the Internet of Things (IoT):

To collect real-time customer data from linked devices, like wearables and smart appliances, IoT devices and sensors will be integrated with CRM systems.

Businesses will be able to provide proactive and context-aware experiences, like automated product replenishment and personalized notifications, thanks to IoT-enabled CRM systems. Customers will be more satisfied and have more convenience as a result.

f) Prescriptive insights and predictive analytics:

CRM systems will be heavily reliant on predictive analytics and prescriptive insights, which allow companies to anticipate customer behavior and suggest the best course of action.

Businesses will be able to anticipate customer demands, spot upselling and cross-selling possibilities, and reduce churn risks with the use of predictive analytics and prescriptive insights. As a result, consumer interactions will become more tailored and proactive.

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Opportunities for Businesses to Stay Ahead of the Curve in CRM and CEM Integration

Businesses can use integrated solutions to gain a competitive edge and set themselves apart from the competition as CRM and Customer Experience Management (CEM) get more and more entwined. The following are some significant chances for companies to stay on the cutting edge of CRM and CEM integration:

1. Invest in Thorough Data Integration:

Companies ought to spend money combining CRM data with information from other platforms, including e-commerce sites, marketing automation systems, and customer support tools. A more comprehensive understanding of the client journey and more streamlined, individualized customer experiences are made possible by this thorough data integration.

2. Embrace Omnichannel Engagement:

Companies should use an omnichannel strategy for engaging with customers, ensuring that all communications—including in-person, phone, social media, and email—are smoothly connected. This guarantees continuity and consistency in the consumer experience across all channels and touchpoints.

3. Leverage Automation and AI:

To expedite procedures, customize interactions, and extract useful insights from consumer data, businesses should make use of automation and AI technology. Businesses may provide more productive and efficient customer experiences by using AI-powered data and automating repetitive operations.

4. Emphasis on Proactive Customer Service:

Organizations ought to provide top priority to proactive customer service projects including proactive outreach campaigns and predictive analytics. Businesses may increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by anticipating possible problems and proactively attending to consumer demands.

Final Thoughts:

CRM plays a major role in improving customer experience management by allowing personalized interactions to happen smoothly. It helps in leveraging data and anticipating the needs of customers. CRM can be integrated into other systems and it streamlines processes to improve efficiency. When CRM is harnessed completely then it helps businesses to deliver seamless cohesive experiences which leads to high customer satisfaction, loyalty, and finally business success.

In today’s business environment, there is no denying the mutually beneficial relationship between customer experience management (CEM) and customer relationship management (CRM). CRM systems are the foundation of CEM programs because they offer the capabilities and tools required to comprehend, interact with, and satisfy customers at every touchpoint. On the other hand, CEM principles direct the thoughtful application of CRM systems, guaranteeing that each communication adds to a satisfying and unforgettable client experience.

Understanding the relationship between CRM and CEM is crucial as long as companies pursue customer-centric strategies. Organizations may unleash the full potential of their customer relationships and promote sustainable growth by coordinating CRM strategy with CEM objectives.

CRM is a strategic tool that helps firms improve internal procedures for higher efficiency in addition to strengthening customer relationships. Organizations may drive customer happiness, stand out in the market, and experience sustained growth by utilizing CRM efficiently.

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MTS Staff Writer
MTS Staff Writer
MarTech Series (MTS) is a business publication dedicated to helping marketers get more from marketing technology through in-depth journalism, expert author blogs and research reports.

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