Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Prediction Series 2019: Interview with Udayan Bose, Founder and CEO, NetElixir

Tell us about your role at the company and how you started here.

Udayan Bose, Founder and CEO, NetElixir, a retail search marketing agency. I founded the company in 2004 to help retailers win new online shoppers through data-driven search marketing.

What opportunities and challenges did you and/or the company identify at the start of 2018 and have things worked out as planned?

We have been focusing on three trends this year. The first is voice search, which is changing search from being keyword led to context led. The second is the application of AI by Google and other ad platforms and marketplaces, which is leading to stronger results and less control for search marketers. The third is of course Amazon. We are finding that Amazon ads are dominating the product searches, and the bottom of the funnel, monetizable search queries.

As a retail search marketing company, how does NetElixir work with retailers to reach consumers online?  

We collaborate with retailers and use our LXRInsights platform to better understand their high-value customer persona and align our search marketing programs around the 4Ps of their marketing plan so as to be able to hyper-target and acquire these high-value customers.

What are the top ways that retailers can improve their online and mobile strategies in 2019?  

My recommendations for retailers to improve online and mobile strategies for 2019 are the following:

  • Gain a unified view of the shopper’s journey across mobile and desktop.
  • Optimize organic listings for voice search.
  • Use Amazon product search as not just a customer acquisition channel but also a research channel.

What are your predictions for the e-commerce industry? How do you see consumer shopping evolving online and on mobile in 2019?  

At NetElixir, we have been tracking the state of e-commerce for over 10 years. Our forecast for this year’s holiday season predicted double-digit growth and I see the same happening next year. In 2019, I also think that the social equity of a brand will be even more important as millennial shoppers choose brands with a social conscience that stand for a cause with which shoppers are able to relate. The shopping experience will gain greater importance. Mobile and voice will lead to the emergence of strong local retail brands. I also think that new brands will emerge that market and sell only on Amazon.

What was the most impactful lesson you had learned from 2018? How do you plan to implement the lesson in 2019?

The most impactful lesson that we learned this year was when Google rolled out their AI-based modules like smart bidding. The performance impact for many clients where we used smart bidding was substantial. We believe the impact of AI will continue to grow in 2019 and have realigned our operating processes and team structure so that we are able to help our clients benefit from these modules.

Which leaders in the industry do you closely work with? How do they help you stay close to the business actions?

We work with forward-thinking marketers like Lenovo, who are constantly testing unique, limited duration, country-specific marketing programs to gain a better understanding of their customers and engage with them more effectively. Since we manage their search marketing programs in North and South America and Europe, we are able to be an active part of their plan.

One advice to all the CMOs and leaders in your community.

Intensify your marketing efforts to win and retain high-value customers and ensure that your brand stays relevant for the newer generation of shoppers. They (probably) drive 80%+ of your total website’s sales.

[vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”About Udayan” tab_id=”1544703828363-a2e4ed67-8a797eb4-8c16″]

My journey in the wonderful internet business space started at iGlobalMedia (since renamed PartyGaming), world’s largest online gaming company.I built a new business unit from scratch for PartyGaming.

I founded NetElixir in January 2004 to help online marketers acquire customers profitably through efficient Search Engine Marketing.In 2008, we expanded our product offerings to online marketing strategy consulting, shopping engine management, search engine optimization, social media marketing and web analytics consulting.

Since 2005 we have had the opportunity to work with over 200 retailers worldwide. Our exclusive focus on the online retail industry has helped us acquire a high level of experiential expertise. This helps us deliver extra-ordinary return on investment for our clients’ marketing dollars.

[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”About NetElixir” tab_id=”1544703828500-3cc3915e-077e7eb4-8c16″]


Founded in 2004 by Udayan Bose, our vision is to touch millions of businesses around the world and aid them in dominating the search bar. The NetElixir team consists of a multitude of search marketing engineers, data scientists, technologists, and global operations managers, all of whom are constantly ideating, innovating, and implementing unique practices that drive towards our vision of empowering search advertisers.

With offices in the US, UK, and India, NetElixir works around the clock, persistently gathering, evaluating, computing, and formulating raw data and turning it into actionable insights for our customers. We work consistently to develop new technology that will to improve and facilitate digital marketing efforts across the globe.


Sudipto Ghosh
Sudipto Ghosh
Sudipto Ghosh is a former Director of Content at iTech Series.


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