Monday, October 7, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Bravo! In Tough Times, Resolute PR Firms Stand their Ground

All global search engines are flooded with inquiries related to the COVID-19. More and more people are searching for information using keywords related to the novel Coronavirus (n-coronavirus) such as Quarantine, the Wuhan Flu, Coronavirus Vaccine, Coronavirus Guidelines for America and hundreds of similar long-tail keywords and phrases.

Source: DISQO
Source: DISQO- Behavioral Response to COVID-19



COVID-19 has exposed us to many unforeseeable risks and challenges. What started with a localized flu infection has now become a global pandemic– on the verge of wiping out a majority of the old-age population who are at direct risk of contact infection and co-morbidity.

Events canceled. Businesses shut. Travel advisories in place with a ban on crossing borders. Commerce is at its lowest.

You can strike out a hundred other activities that have been placed under “human-centric” surveillance and screening- to ensure COVID-19 does not spread to new places. Has it been controlled? (See here).

DISQO released a report titled- “Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Public Attitudes & Behaviors” to evaluate the extent of the latest pandemic.

And, above all, over 6000 deaths-— caused by the novel coronavirus. Yet, in these testing times, we have been fortunate to be working and collaborating with our PR firms and Marcom champions. Over 150 PR agencies, 1500 Marcom teams and 6000 Marketing Professionals from around the world — Working from home with limited resources and scale are still resolute in their stance, taking their job responsibilities with utmost humility. If doctors and quarantine specialists are risking their lives handling detected and reported cases, PR champs are doing it for the businesses, holding the fort for them to ensure COVID-19 doesn’t permanently hamper brand resilience. We are not tipping over a ‘point-of-no-return’ as yet. No Apocalypse (ἀποκάλυψις), thanks to PR efforts working round the clock with us.

If your inbox is swamped with subject lines that read: “Save your Brand Today Against COVID-19”, “Work From Home using 30-Day Free Tools”, or “Order Food: Contactless Pizza Delivery”, don’t be surprised. The PR Champions are doing everything they can to prevent COVID-19 wrecking the businesses they handle.

Here is the list of top 15 Email Subject Lines that are worth mentioning. Reason: These email subjects serve the prudent purpose of beseeching our attention without being too “pervasive” like traditional old-fashioned one-liners.

  1. Netflix, Instagram and YouTube- Where People Spend Most time During COVID-19 Shutdown
  2. “New Microsoft app: DevOps on Adrenaline During Crisis”
  3. “Increase productivity during Corona outbreak and keep your employees safe”
  4. “Coronavirus to tip the global market into recession?”
  5. “INTERVIEW COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment”
  6. “Doing more with less – how agencies can maintain workflow during coronavirus epidemic”
  7. “Covid-19 Dating Apps to the Rescue! Now that I have Your Attention Please Read This Guide”
  8. “How Not to Die in a Pandemic”
  9. Coronavirus A to Z: Words to Understand the News”
  10. “Medical advice? THESE are the most influential DOCTORS on YouTube”
  11. “COVID-19 = More Email Engagement?”
  12. “The coronavirus outbreak is changing the way we’re working. Will companies freeze hiring?”
  13. “US is fighting COVID-19 with 83% of healthcare systems running on outdated software”
  14. “Virtual Event Model Created to Aid Meetings/Events Industry”
  15. “Are Brands Ready For CCPA? Well, No. Trust Us”
  16. “Self-quarantine = more gamers?”

Whenever large enterprises suffer from a brand-related crisis (For example, faulty airline engines, online privacy, data thefts, federal action), PRs come to the rescue. Today, COVID-19 has allowed PR champions with a unique opportunity to come to the brand rescue at an unprecedented scale.

According to Kerel Cooper of LiveIntent, “As people are social distancing and beginning to heed the governmental warning about isolating themselves, email engagement is likely to increase. Why?

Because email newsletters represent a 1:1 relationship with a trusted news source, as opposed to untrustworthy user-generated content that proliferates on social media.”

PR firms are also working tirelessly to spread awareness about the disease and how businesses – big and small- can leverage technology to stay afloat during the ongoing pandemic.

MarTech Series and newsdesks have been flooded with updates featuring COVID-19 fighters, Athletes, Life-coaches, Healthcare specialists, NGOs providing voluntary support, GovTech innovators, Blockchain experts and — E-commerce brand influencers. The efforts wouldn’t go waste.

To all the PR Champions sending news to MarTech Series, and, we thank you from the bottom of our heart. We shall conquer it soon.

To share your COVID-19 preparedness and roadmap, please write to us at

Sudipto Ghosh
Sudipto Ghosh
Sudipto Ghosh is a former Director of Content at iTech Series.

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