Sunday, October 6, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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The 4 Most Important Ways Software Impacts Your Customer Experience

Customers may not be interested in your customer experience software – but your company absolutely should be. When done right, a simple and sophisticated customer experience platform is a key tool for creating loyalty. For companies, it means being able to seamlessly communicate with customers across the channels they want – including email, chat, text, phone, and social media. For customers, it fosters a sense of trust that they can reach you the way they want. And since less than 30% of companies offer social messaging, live chat or in-app messaging, it’s a huge opportunity to set your business apart.

To deliver personalized service experiences, agents need the right tools and data at their fingertips. Here are the four most important ways software impacts the customer experience:

Customers Want Quick Replies and Resolution

When it comes to what makes a good customer experience, the data is clear: your customers want quick responses to their questions, on the channel of their choice. According to the Customer Experience Trends 2020 report, the top factor in a good experience is being able to resolve the issue quickly. Customers choose channels based on the speed of the reply they want and how complex their question is. And when they do reach out, they expect companies to be collaborating internally so they don’t have to repeat themselves. But because many businesses store their information in silos, it can be hard for agents to access the data they need. A software platform that brings it all together makes the whole experience faster and better for your agents and customers.

Help Customers Help Themselves

This might sound counterintuitive but stick with us. Customers are open to using bots and artificial intelligence if it means fast, efficient resolution to their issues (remember that top factor in creating a good experience?).

But only a third of companies offer some form of self-service, whether that’s a help center, knowledge base, or FAQ. There’s a gap when it comes to meeting customer needs, and there’s a big opportunity to use AI to speed up resolution. Bots today are no longer generic “machine-generated” answers — they can be set up in engaging ways to reflect your company culture and tone. Bringing AI into your mix can help you build out your knowledge center, identify issues that keep popping up, and boost customer satisfaction. 

Great Customer Service Is a Team Sport

When you put the customer at the center of your company, you’ll open up new ways of working. Anyone with a passion for the customer can deliver a great customer experience when they have the right tools.  To do that, you want a CRM platform that facilitates a conversation with customers, no matter which department they’re engaging with. It should let you share data easily and be flexible enough to implement change.

For example, the luxury hotel brand Four Seasons Hotels partners with Zendesk to ensure its guests can send messages on their preferred channel and in their preferred language. They created a concierge-like service reachable on Twitter, Facebook Messenger, SMS and other chat services that lets guests seamlessly arrange spa reservations, get restaurant recommendations, and access special services. After implementing the software, Four Seasons saw a seven-point increase in Net Promoter Score℠ in guests that use chat.

It Takes Sophisticated CRM Software to Make Customer Service Easier

Creating engaging experiences doesn’t happen in a vacuum—you need the right CRM software to harness your data. It’s critical to understand customer journeys, develop insights and predict behaviors. But when it comes to the customer experience, most companies are still in the dark. They use legacy CRM platforms that are tough to change, and offer only a one-dimensional view of the customer. Zendesk Sunshine is an open and flexible CRM platform that lets you seamlessly connect and understand all of your customer data, wherever it lives. It gives companies a complete view of their customer, and gives them the ability to unlock great customer experiences. 

Want to learn more? Join us at Zendesk Relate in Miami March 3-5 for three full days of Zendesk product training, CX industry best practices, and unparalleled networking.

Elisabeth Zornes
Elisabeth Zornes
Elisabeth Zornes has served as Zendesk's Chief Customer Officer since February 2019. She represents the collective voice of Zendesk’s customers and leads the teams responsible for helping customers onboard and maximize the benefits of the company’s growing product portfolio. She brings 20 years of experience as a leader in customer support, operations and services, most recently leading global customer support for Microsoft Office consumers, enterprise customers, and partners. Ms. Zornes holds a masters degree in science and a minor in computer science from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany and extended executive education at the Harvard Business School and INSEAD for international business and global management and MIT's Executive MBA program at the Sloan School of Management.

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