Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Prediction Series 2019: Interview with Jason Scott, CEO ANZ at MiQ

How did you arrive at MiQ, and what interactions you had with the technology team in the past?

Before I was appointed by MiQ as CEO for ANZ, I spent several months working with them as a Consultant. During this time, I was impressed by the level of expertise, technological capabilities and dedication to our clients’ successes, demonstrated both by our commercial team in ANZ and our team of Data Scientists in Bangalore.

From my perspective, the industry’s next wave of future growth will sit at the intersection of technology, human insight, and data, and so MiQ’s investment into both technological innovation and data scientists is a very attractive formula. I was, therefore, very excited to have the opportunity to take on a leadership role in the company’s growth.

How do you see the Media and Analytics market growing in the APAC/ANZ region? How are they different from the customer base in EMEA and the Americas?

From my experience, working around the world with global brands and media partners, the opportunities and issues relating to media and analytics markets are largely the same. It’s the scale and timing that tend to differ.

Consider the following examples and you’ll understand my point:

  • Everyone is dealing with an explosion of data, making sense of how to collect and organize it, then analyze and apply it in a meaningful way to drive business outcomes.
  • Legislative changes relating to privacy like GDPR and CCPA have had a ripple effect around the world as more markets try to interpret and create their own policies.
  • The duopoly effect. Enough said.

What are your predictions for the industry and customer behavior in 2020? How are you preparing for these disruptions?

Within the industry, Digital Out of Home and Connected TV will likely shift from its emerging-technology status to utterly transform the way traditional media is thought about. Connectivity has a huge role to play in this transformation and I’m excited for MiQ is making significant developments in this space.

For consumers, our research shows that Connected devices, Wearables and, Voice will play an increasing role in the way consumers interface with brands and platforms. As this technology becomes even more deeply rooted in our daily lives I also expect we’ll see a greater focus on company transparency and consciousness about data privacy.

These transformations of traditional media and the increased awareness of the data in media all point to a future which will be more personalized, tech-enabled and data-enhanced.

[vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”About Jason” tab_id=”1544703828363-a2e4ed67-8a79121f-faf6eeda-8664″]

Jason have been privileged to work in some of the most transformative times in the advertising and media industry and the technology ecosystem enabling its transformation. Working for and partnering with some of the companies at the forefront of this change, He has experience working in segments doing the disrupting as well as those being disrupted.

Jason has developed a strong Australian and international network in both the media and technology sectors. Along the way, He has worked in both the corporate and start-up sectors, often at the intersection of both.

[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”About MiQ” tab_id=”1544703828500-3cc3915e-077e121f-faf6eeda-8664″]

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MiQ believe that Marketing Intelligence is not only about understanding who our consumers are, but what drives their decisions. Online browsing, offline location and purchases, multi-channel touchpoints – even the cultural and economic trends around us – all offer their own unique part of the answer.

It is through the access to this diverse and comprehensive perspective on user behavior, along with the data science and human ingenuity required to distill this, that MiQ provides Marketing Intelligence which decodes the consumer and drive meaningful business outcomes.


Sudipto Ghosh
Sudipto Ghosh
Sudipto Ghosh is a former Director of Content at iTech Series.

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